The ongoing Big Brother Naija Season Seven is getting tougher day by day as the team decided to adopt the big brother Mzansi Season three Veto strategy in March 2022.
Themba stood approximately 12 hours with a ball in a flat plate held with his palm to get the Ultimate Veto Power.
Sis Tamara and Thato Immaculate dropped out at late hours making Themba the winner of Veto power.
"Themba's question were "why should I take you to the finale? " ....and when they answered, he then said "why should I take someone stronger than me ?"
Themba's now girlfriend, Mpho begged him to pick her using her child to beg and he turned her Down.
Themba picked Libo and Tulz to the final with his Veto Power.
"Thato was like fuck it, Do what you want bruh. I won't beg"