Big Brother Mzansi winner Mpho Wabadimo's feelings about her former Big Brother Mzansi housemates left social media split The star said she had nothing to do with any of the reality TV stars and she even blocked them on all platforms People accused her of wanting attention from others saying she should stop talking about them if they are no longer friends.
Mpho Wabadimo has been accused of having the main actor syndrome following a video where she addressed her relationship with her former Big Brother Mzansi housemates.
The reality TV star said she doesn't have contact with anyone from the show and doesn't want to be friends with them.
According to ZAlebs, Mpho Wabadimo made these sentiments during her show on her YouTube channel. She said:
“I’m not interested in these people. I don’t give zero f**ks of what happens to them. That’s why, literally, I say this all the time, that I personally blocked each and every one of them. Whether we were following each other or not, ‘cause I told myself that, uhm, angifuni into engi-connect-ayo." Mp
The clip landed on Twitter and as expected tweeps had a lot to say about it. Many said Mpho thought she was important than the others because she won the R2 million while others said she shouldn't talk about them.
@khumbuSandani said: "Lol angilwi but she could have blocked them n move on ..Y is she still talking abt it??? Akere she wana move on from meaning she long blocked them ??y now is it still a topic on her content."
@mimishelembe commented: "I am not friends nama thwasana ekhaya , I am not friends with my high school mates , main character syndrome thinking everyone is after her , how is she a healer with this mentality."
Source: Briefly SA